Subject: ROF: V6.0 Chiropratic Schedule Author: Scott K. Deuel DC Uploaded By: LLLTDC Date: 5/25/1999 File: ROF6.ZIP (261182 bytes) Estimated Download Time (41151 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 244 Equipment: Clarion Professional Developer V2.1 Needs: An UnZIPing Program & MSDOS Keywords: Deuel, Chiropractor, Orthopedic, X-Ray, Treatment, ICD Codes, Patient, Clinic, HMO Type: Shareware Uploaded by the author. ROF Plus is a Y2K compliant chiropractic report of findings generator. Following a patient's physical, orthopedic and x-ray exams the doctor of chiropractic can use this program to quickly generate an individualized treatment program for a patient based on relevant examination findings. For those who have used the Rx Chiropractic program this ROF Plus is similar but much more detailed. The program has its own context sensitive help and look-up tables make data entry easy from the CPT, ICD, Doctor and clinic data bases. Reports can be printed using dot matrix or laser/deskjet printers. Even though this is an MS-DOS based program, it will work with Windows 3.1 and/or Windows 95. For support, contact the author directly at AOL screen name: LLLTDC To run, enter: ROF.EXE Documentation: README.TXT plus Help within the program